.. oshwabadge2018 documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Aug 3 01:53:45 2018. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Getting Started ================== Your badge is based on an ESP32-wroom-32 module and a GDEH0213B1 e-paper display. It also contains a KX122-1037 Accelerometer and a footprint for a microsd card that can be soldered on as a soldering exercise. If your badge has your name on it it's been pre-configured already. If no name has been set the badge will display the OHS logo. cool! The Apps Menu ------------------ Your badge can run python scripts found in it's 'apps' directory. Clicking the Apps icon takes you to a menu where you can select the script you want to run. Notice that the first 3 scripts do not end in '.py'. These are built in features of your module. - Change Name - Start FTP Server - Serial REPL Change Name +++++++++++++++++++ This option will cause the badge to create an access point named 'ohsbadge-80:7d:3a:xx:xx:xx' where the last 6 digits will be specific to your badge. This access-point name and an auto-generated password will be printed to the screen. IF you visit the url '' after connecting to the access-point you will be taken to a form where you can change the displayed name. Start FTP Server +++++++++++++++++++ This option will also cause the badge to create an access-point but instead of launching a webserver the badge will start a FTP server. You can connect to this FTP server from your device and add/remove scripts. Any script placed in the apps directory will come up in the apps menu. Serial REPL +++++++++++++++++++ This option will launch a python console that can be accessed over the serial port headers (J1) Shitty Addons ------------------- Your badge has a `Shitty Addon Connector `_ that breaks out 3.3v, ground, sda, and scl. for the addition of all sorts of hats and addons. Badge Development =================== Building and Flashing ---------------------- Compiling firmware from scratch ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Run the following lines on an ubuntu 16.04 or newer linux install.:: sudo apt-get install git wget make libncurses-dev flex bison gperf python python-serial git clone https://github.com/oshwabadge2018/ohs2018-badge-firmware.git cd ohs2018-badge-firmware bash scripts/build.sh Your firmware will be built in 'micropython/ports/esp32/' Flashing Your Module ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Flashing without the programming jig can be a bit annoying. - Short en0 to GND - while en0 is shorted short RST to ground - while en0 is still shorted to GND release RST and wait 3 seconds - connect your serial cable to rx and tx - in the 'micropython/ports/esp32/' directory run 'make deploy' Hacking the hardware ------------------------ Accessing the KiCad PCB design ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The board was made in kicad and is `available on github `_. Pre-Generated Schematics +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These are also hosted on github and `can be found here `_ Micropython Examples ----------------------- Uploading over FTP +++++++++++++++++++ Here is an example of uploading a file using ftp on linux:: ftp> open Connected to 220 Hello, this is the ESP8266. Name ( 230 Logged in. Remote system type is UNIX. Using binary mode to transfer files. ftp> put ~/accel.py /apps/accel.py local: /home/avcamilo/accel.py remote: /apps/accel.py 200 OK 150 Opened data connection. 226 Done. 1006 bytes sent in 0.00 secs (13.7057 MB/s) ftp> exit 221 Bye. Accelerometer Example ++++++++++++++++++++++ The datasheet for the accelerometer can be `found here `_ Here is Accelerometer sample code:: import font16 import gxgde0213b1 import machine import struct from ohsbadge import epd from ohsbadge import fb i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(22), sda=machine.Pin(21)) i2c.writeto_mem(30,0x18,b'\x80') ACCX = struct.unpack("h",i2c.readfrom_mem(30,0x6,2)) ACCY = struct.unpack("h",i2c.readfrom_mem(30,0x8,2)) ACCZ = struct.unpack("h",i2c.readfrom_mem(30,0x10,2)) print("accelerometer: x={0} y={1} z={2}".format(ACCX[0], ACCY[0], ACCZ[0])) epd.clear_frame(fb) epd.display_string_at(fb, 0, 0, "accelerometer:", font16, gxgde0213b1.COLORED) epd.display_string_at(fb, 0, 24, "x={0} y={1} z={2}".format(ACCX[0], ACCY[0], ACCZ[0]), font16, gxgde0213b1.COLORED) epd.display_frame(fb) time.sleep(2) **Warning:** Make sure that R12 and R13 are populated. These 2.2K Ohm resistors are required for the I2C bus to work. More information is available in this `OSH Park blog post `_. Check out the `Accelerometer demo app `_ for a continuous display of X, Y, Z on the e-paper display. E-paper Example +++++++++++++++++++++++ Here is an example of updating the display. there are two init functions for partial and full resfresh. Partial refresh updates the display quickly but leaves ghosting and full refresh takes longer but looks cleaner. Ignore the name COLORED, its actually black.:: from ohsbadge import epd from ohsbadge import fb import gxgde0213b1 import font16 import font12 epd.clear_frame(fb) epd.set_rotate(gxgde0213b1.ROTATE_270) epd.display_string_at(fb, 0, 0, "Welcome to OHS 2018!", font16, gxgde0213b1.COLORED) epd.display_string_at(fb, 0, 20, "ESSID = " + essid, font12, gxgde0213b1.COLORED) epd.display_string_at(fb, 0, 32, "PASSWORD = " + wifipass, font12, gxgde0213b1.COLORED) epd.display_string_at(fb, 0, 44, "IP ADDR = " + ipaddr, font12, gxgde0213b1.COLORED) epd.display_frame(fb) You can use a 24 point variable width font rendering:: import G_FreeSans24pt7b epd.G_display_string_at(fb,0,0,"Hello World",G_FreeSans24pt7b,1,gxgde0213b1.COLORED) Touchpads +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The board has 6 captouch buttons. They return an analog value that correlates with how much of your finger is on the switch.:: from machine import Pin, TouchPad app = TouchPad(Pin(32)) card = TouchPad(Pin(33)) right = TouchPad(Pin(13)) left = TouchPad(Pin(14)) down = TouchPad(Pin(27)) up = TouchPad(Pin(12)) buttons = [up,down,left,right,app,card] names = ['up','down','left','right’','app','card'] while True: print("\nButtons:\t",end="") time.sleep(0.5) i=0 for b in buttons: print(names[i],b.read(),end="\t") i+=1 ADC Input battery voltage +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You can read the voltage of the AA batteries. Unfortunetly the output of the ADC is not really linear with lover voltages reading much less then they actually should on the order of 100-300mv. That said, Here is how you can read the voltage:: import machine adc = machine.ADC(machine.Pin(35)) adc.atten(adc.ATTN_11DB) Voltage = (adc.read()/4096)*3.3 Temperature and Humidity footprint ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The board has a footprint for a Si7006-A20 temperature and humidity sensor that can be soldered on and comes up as i2c device 0x40 Adding Custom variable width fonts ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The font code is converted from adafruit's graphics library and uses '1.1' style fonts. If you look at the `Free-Sans Font `_ example you can see that it is a direct conversion of one of these font files containing a charecter array of bitmap data and a array of glyph data. Python Example:: first_char = 0x20 last_char = 0x7e y_advance = 56 Glyphs = [ [ 0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 1 ], # 0x20 ' ' [ 0, 4, 34, 16, 6, -33 ], # 0x21 '!' [ 17, 11, 12, 16, 2, -32 ], # 0x22 '"' [snip] Bitmaps=b'\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\x76\x66\x66\x00\x0F\xFF\xFF\xF1\xFE\x3F\x `Source C file for comparison `_ Additional MicroPython demo apps: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MicroPython programs that can run as "apps" on the Open Hardware Summit 2018 badge. These Python files can be transferred to badge via FTP: `ohs18apps repo `_. Current available apss include `Magic 8-Ball game `_ and `Accelerometer demo `_.